
Hi friends,

How’s everyone enjoying their short week? I keep on forgetting that Friday is a day off- and was on a call with someone yesterday and commented that we could meet on Friday. Surprisingly, she was not a fan of this plan 😛

So today I’m off for a quick work trip to Hamburg, Germany.


Now, I’ve never been before so when my travel companion (a work colleague) decided that he was taking a later flight, and would be arriving at 10 pm, I decided instead that I would be flying at a different time. So I get to enjoy a 3 pm flight, and will be landing in Hamburg for 5:45. It won’t give me much time but at least I’ll have a chance to see something. I leave Wednesday immediately after my second meeting of the day, so tonight will be my only chance for some site seeing.

If anyone’s been, I’d love to hear some tips of what’s good to see!

Besides that, Assen’s heading to Bulgaria on Saturday, for a week to spend some time with his family.


Assen’s family from our last trip to Bulgaria.

While he’s away, I plan on watching girly movies, eating vegetarian food (Assen is a big meat eater, so he’s never keen for a fully vegetarian meal unless I can sneak it by him), and some YOGA 🙂 I realise my website name is “Yogi in Action”, yet it seems like it’s been a long time since I spoke about yoga at all! I promise- I have a full post coming up all about yoga for anyone who is desperately waiting for some mention of it 🙂

I’m looking into a 4 day trip away to Spain from 1-4 April, with a 2 hour yoga class each morning, followed by a relaxing day of very little. I haven’t fully confirmed it yet, so it may fall through, but I think it’s exactly what I need after being a busy bee for the past 3 months (I haven’t even left the country since New Years!)


That will be my view if I can go!

I’m in the process of confirming the rest of my travel for the year. On Sunday I did the first step- which is budgeting all of the trips I want to take. It’s times like that, that I know I’m a nerd! I spent about an hour on Sunday, looking at my various “flexible” costs to make sure I’m still meeting my savings goal for the year, but can also travel to all the places that I want. I got to the point where I can make it all work (if anyone is interested in more detail, let me know- personal finances is something that is very near and dear to my heart so I’m always happy to discuss) so now I just need to confirm dates with people, and another good year of travels will be off!

How about everyone else? What are you up to for Easter?


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